Citrine the November birthstone

The birthstone for November is Citrine. It describe quartz that ranges from light to intense shades of yellow. Being a member in the quartz family, Citrine are a hard mineral and thus can be cut and polish with many faceted, results in brilliant gemstone with the yellow color that often reminds me of the sun.

Citrine mostly are set on white gold, for the shine of white gold works wonders with that lovely shade of yellow. The color combination of yellow on silver reminds me of the glass of champagne on a sunny afternoon.

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While I love yellow on silver, I also love the more adventurous take setting Citrine with black dipped treated metal. An visual association with danger, like warning signs, bumblebee and the wasp, sports car...... just to name few things that are yellow and black.

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Citrine with white gold or citrine with black? Both are stunning to me. If one was to choose I say would you prefer wearing a white dress relaxing in a sunflower farm, or wearing black leathers riding on a yellow motorcycle?


#November birthstone

#Yellow gemstone

Chan Morris